Trustees in the capacity of trust upon them, shall observe ethical standards with absolute truth, integrity and honor. While there may be several ways to reflect compliance with ethical standards, the Pueblo City-County Library District has developed the following guidelines, derived from Colorado law.

Trustees must not derive any financial benefit by reason of their position as a member of the Board of Trustees, although they may be compensated for reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.

While a board member, a Trustee cannot contract with the District for the provision of services. Trustees must not disclose or use confidential information acquired in the course of their official duties to further their personal financial interests.

Trustees cannot accept a gift exceeding $50.00 in value in any calendar year (i) if doing so would improperly influence a reasonable person to depart from the faithful and impartial discharge of public duties or (ii) which the Trustee knows or which a reasonable person in the position should know under the circumstances is primarily for the purpose of rewarding the Trustee for official action the Trustee has taken.

Trustees must not engage in a financial transaction for private business purposes with a person whom the Trustee supervises in the course of the Trustees' official duties.

Any Trustee who has a personal or private interest in any matter proposed or pending before the Board of Trustees shall disclose such interest to the Board and shall not vote thereon and shall refrain from attempting to influence the decision of the other members of the body in voting on the matter. A Trustee may vote if his/her vote is necessary for the Board to act if he/she discloses the private interest in a filing to the Secretary of State.

Trustees must clearly distinguish, in their actions and statements, the personal philosophies and attitudes of the Trustee versus those of the institution, recognizing the formal position of the Board, even if a Trustee personally disagrees with the formal position the Board has taken.

Trustees must be prepared to support to the fullest the efforts of librarians in resisting censorship of library materials by groups or individuals.

Trustees who accept library board responsibilities are expected to perform all of the functions of library trustees.

Adopted by the Pueblo City-County Library District December 14, 2010.