Thinking about starting a book club? We can help!
Resources that may be helpful for your book club:
We can make meeting rooms available for your group. To check out all the options, contact us or drop by any of our locations and ask about the different meeting rooms we offer.
You can also click here to reserve a room for your book club right now.
Let us help you pick a title for your group to discuss. Contact our User Services department here for suggestions and ideas (and ask about the NoveList page on our website).
BEFORE YOU GO: Dates and times are subject to change. Be sure to check our online calendar for the latest books/meet dates.
Barkman Bookies
Meets the 3rd Monday of every month at 5pm.
Books Again Book Club
First Tuesday of the month at 5 p.m.
Greenhorn Valley
Last Thursday of the month at 1 p.m.
If you love horror novels and coffee, this is the perfect club for you! We meet on the last Monday of every month at 7p.m. to discuss the book.
Pueblo West
Third Thursday of the month
Last Monday of the Month, 7pm
Audiobook Club Every second Tuesday of the month, 4:30pm
Banned Book Club Every second Monday of the month, 7pm
History Round Table First Wednesday of each month, 6:30pm. Any book on a new subject each month.
Please call Elizabeth at 719-562-5600 to register your book club.