
Please check our catalog before you make a request. If the library doesn't have an item you're looking for, you may request materials from libraries outside of Pueblo through an interlibrary loan. Patrons are allowed only five Interlibrary Loan requests at one time.




Interlibrary Loan is a service provided by PCCLD to locate books and other materials owned by libraries in Colorado and the United States that PCCLD does not own or chooses not to purchase.

For further information or help call the Interlibrary Loan Office at 562-5607 or call a Librarian at 562-5600 or send an email to:

  • Books
  • Audio books on CD
  • Journal, magazine or newspaper articles (copies)
  • DVDs & Blu-rays - educational, entertainment and television series
  • Children and Young Adult books and Audio Visual materials
  • Music on CD
  • Microfilm
  • Other items: check with your librarian

What materials cannot be requested?

  • Materials with a publication date/purchase date within the past 2 years
  • Special collections identified as being of primary importance to the Pueblo community
  • Video Games for all systems.

  • A current and verified resident PCCLD library card in good standing

  • There is a limit of 5 active InterLibrary Loan requests per customer. That is, a customer may have no more than 5 items currently on loan from another library and/or being requested at the same time

  • Fill out the online request form. Include an ISBN or OCLC accession number, title and author, on the application—if known. Also include your library card number. Be sure the library has an updated address and phone number on your library account.

  • Some libraries charge to lend their items. If this situation occurs, you will be notified first and can accept or decline to pay the charges. PCCLD will always go to those libraries that do not charge first. If there is a charge, it must be paid when you pick up the item.

  • The lending library sets the due dates and terms of use. Items are checked out to customers in KOHA.

  • If a borrowed item is not returned, a fee of $100.00 is assessed to the customer's account, and any damages to borrowed items while in the customer's possession will be billed per the lending library's terms.

  • Overdue notices for ILL items are generated per the usual PCCLD schedule. Late fees of .10 per day are charged for overdue ILL items. The maximum overdue fine is $3.00 per item. All ILL items will have a three-day grace period, after which, fines accrue from the first day overdue.

  • InterLibrary loan items "expire" seven days after the customer is notified that the hold is available. "Clean Holds" reports are generated and processed using PCCLD's regular schedule and procedures.

  • Repeated failure to pick up ILL items or return items by the due date may result in loss of ILL privileges for the remaining calendar year.

  • It is the customer's responsibility to abide by Fair Use and Copyright Law.